Thursday, 18 September 2014

Plus North pt1

Recently I attended my first ever Plus North. I had previously heard nothing but positive things for this event when I first ventured into the world of plus size blogging. Did it live up to expectations? Totally!
These events are not a simple thing to put together but spread over the two days, I thought it ran pretty smoothly. 
I was fortunate enough to model for two brands too. Like many others who attended, I was too busy enjoying myself that I forgot to take any pictures so I've had to pinch them from other people!
Modelling for Yours Clothing

The first day was a mixture of catwalks and shopping. Stalls included Curvy Kate with bra fittings and bargain knickers, Chunky Cat Cuddler with her beautiful laser cut acrylic pieces of jewellery, Nicky Rockets fab T shirts, Bon Prix, Zizzi, SLiNK magazine, Apples and Pears and Topsy Curvy. 
The fashion shows included Simply Be, Yours Clothing, Ann Harvey, So Fabulous and Topsy Curvy. 

The So Fab models

I travelled to Leeds for the event alone, shared a room with girls I've not stayed with before and was in a room full of people I either didn't know or only had seen or spoken to online, all this was completely out of my comfort zone. I get a little shy and uncomfortable around new faces and I'm generally a bit socially awkward. But here, I didn't let that bother me. Not everyone knew each other and that was ok. I met new faces and those that I have been following on social media sites for a while. If at any point of the day I found myself alone, there was a face I recognised to talk to. What a truly positive environment to be in!
After the first day was done, a group of us went out for meal before the afterparty 
Wearing Modcloth for the day

Part 2 to follow x

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