Monday, 21 April 2014

#ShopYourStash Wardrobe Challenge-Easter

Happy Easter everyone! For me this is not a religious holiday but more of a chance to see family, eat good food and lavish the offspring with chocolate treats.
This is the first Shop Your Stash challenge and I couldn't be more happier to take part. Most bloggers seem to review new purchases/gifted items, new make up buys and new collections and for me it just doesn't happen very often. I have to keep my spending on myself to an absolute minimum as spare cash with a busy  house is hard to come by. So what better than to dig deep into my wardrobe and put together an outfit consisting of clothes I have neglected over the years. I chose to base this first one on Easter. It is bank holiday weekend after all. Although 2 of the items are new, the est are not. I also chose to finally try out my bottle of Morrocan hair oil that I was gifted in a goody bag at a recent event. (Not much to say other than made my hair super soft but didn't help to keep my curls in)

Welcome to the Shop Your Stash Challenge. This is all about finding a gem in what you already own and creating a blog post on it. This is to let go a little of the stress that comes with being a blogger - even if it is just once a month. Rummage through your beauty products and climb through those clothes draws. You might surprise yourself!

I recently had a birthday so I treated myself to a new bag and shoes. I went for pastel as I was having trouble matching a bag with my pastel outfits, as for the shoes, they are hologram flats, how could I refuse?!

Here's what I chose;

Vest Dorothy Perkins
Skirt Cardigan and bag Primark
Shoes Office

I was travelling a lot over Easter so my outfit had to be comfy. I bought this skirt a while back. I think I put off wearing it as I'm scared of VBO but with a long loose vest, it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. Might be even be brave enough to wear it without the leggings in the summer!!

As I was visiting family, I made a batch of Easter themed cupcakes.

Isn't he cute?!
Simple Cupcake Recipe;

6 oz caster sugar
6 oz butter
8 oz self raising flour
1 egg
generous splash of milk

Beat the sugar and butter until light, fluffy and pale in colour. Add the rest of the ingredients and add enough milk to make a smooth yet thick mixture. Divide in to 12 cases and bake for 12-15 mins or until golden at 180'
Leave to cool before decorating. I used a tub of chocolate frosting, pastel chicks and tiny chocolate eggs. Enjoy!

Here's s list of the other lovely participants taking part in this fab challenge;

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