Thursday, 23 June 2016

London Fashion Week with Simply Be

On Monday I got the most amazing opportunity to take over Instagram and Twitter for Simply Be at London Fashion Week. When I was first asked, I knew that I just couldn't turn it down but I suffer with anxiety. This is where the babely Lottie L'Amour came to my rescue. We teamed up for the day and I could not of been happier!

So the day was spent hanging around the streets of Soho, snapping away at photos of some incredibly inspiring people and their street styles. 
Initially my nerves were in full swing. It was starting to get a little busy and I was in a place I didn't know. I needn't of worried. There were allsorts of people hanging around. Some that just wanted to stand and pose, fashion lovers, photographers, presenters, even the odd celeb! With phone in hand, I soon started to click away at cute outfits and chatting to people about their style. I even had my own photos taken a few times and got to do a quick interview on camera with the Sky film crew. Exciting!

         Being interviewed by Sky (EEEKKK!)

We were fortunate enough to get tickets to the Lantern Sense fashion show which I absolutely loved! The style featured earthy hues, grunge looks and edgy facial jewellery. I was in my element! (All thanks to the wonderful Danielle VanierX)

      I instantly fell in love with the accessories by Regal Rose

Here's what I wore for the day

Spending the day on the cold streets, I opted for comfort but being London Fashion Week, I wanted to keep my look edgy and well, me! 

PU leather skirt, Simply Be
Shirt, Asda
Jacket, vintage
Tights, Simply Be
Cuffs, Boohoo
Boots, eBay 

I came away from the day with so much inspiration. A lot of what I saw throughout the day featured faux fur accents, culottes, mixed prints, double denim and customised jackets. 

Here are just a few of the styles that I loved. 

And not forgetting the boys!

I'd like to say a massive thank you to Simply Be for such a great day and for the opportunity and to  Lottie for agreeing to being my partner in crime xx

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